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Celebrating Post Centenary Era of Excellence

News & Events

New Horizons Retreat

The New Horizons staff enrichment programme, held on 27 & 28 May 2024, provided an invaluable opportunity for the faculty to enhance their professional and personal growth. The sessions were conducted by distinguished speakers, each bringing unique perspectives and insights to the programme.

Sr. Norine DSouza, Principal, St. Agnes PU College, welcomed the gathering. Sr. Maria Gloria, Headmistress, St. Agnes High School supported the teachers with her presence. Sr. Sudeepa A C, Educational Secretary, Karnataka Province graced the occasion. The event commenced with a session led by Sr. Maria Lathika, Principal of St. Cecily's CBSE School, Udupi. She explained the objectives of the session, emphasising God's love for his creation, and brought home the point through a rambling nature walk, which helped participants arrive at their own conclusions through introspection and contemplation. Her insights laid a strong foundation for the programme, encouraging participants to reflect on the divine purpose in their vocation.

Mrs. Helen Menezes, a mathematics teacher at Mount Carmel Central School, Maryhill, followed with a heartfelt session on "I Am Loved by God." Her narrative reinforced the importance of recognising and embracing God's love in everyday life, fostering a sense of self-worth and purpose among the teachers.

Sr. Gloria Dsouza, lecturer in chemistry at St. Agnes College, concluded the day with her talk on "Love in Communion: Fellowship." She highlighted the significance of building strong, loving communities within educational institutions, promoting a spirit of amity and mutual support.

The second day began with Sr. Juliana from Mount Carmel Central School, Maryhill, addressing "My Brokenness as a Teacher." Her anecdotes and candid discussion about the challenges and vulnerabilities we face within and outside the classroom resonated deeply with the participants, encouraging them to acknowledge and grow from their own meditative stroll amidst nature, where even broken things in nature have a role to play. It was a poignant time to reflect in solitude and silence over our ability to make or mar a life.

Sr. Janet Sequeira, a mathematics lecturer at St. Agnes PU College, presented "A Ray of Hope." Her session was a beacon of inspiration, offering practical strategies to overcome difficulties and maintain hope even in bleak situations.

Sr. Lenita from St. Ann's Convent discussed "Commitment to Love: A New Vision," urging teachers to recommit themselves to their vocation with renewed vigour and dedication. Her intuitive approach provided a fresh perspective on the role of educators in shaping young minds.

Finally, Sr. Meena Fernandes, a teacher at St. Agnes CBSE School, Bendore, explored "Challenges to My Vision." She addressed the obstacles teachers face in their mission and offered insightful solutions to overcome these hurdles, ensuring their vision for education remains steadfast and achievable.

Guided meditation sessions and dances conducted during the retreat energised the crowd and kept the momentum going. The New Horizons programme concluded with the lighting of candles and everyone pledging to protect the environment and nurture the lives entrusted to their care. The retreat successfully enriched the participants, offering them spiritual, emotional, and professional succour. The sessions fostered a deeper understanding of God's love, the importance of community, and the resilience needed to overcome challenges. Participants left the programme with a renewed sense of purpose and commitment to their noble profession.