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Celebrating Post Centenary Era of Excellence

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Annual General Meeting of PTA

The Annual General Meeting of the Parent-Teacher Association of St. Agnes PU College was held on Wednesday, July 31, in the Auditorium.

The programme began with an ardent prayer song invoking the blessings of the Almighty. Ms. Carol Lobo, Lecturer in Mathematics, welcomed the gathering and introduced the distinguished chief guest of the day, Mrs. Lydia Lobo, Administrator, LINK Rehabilitation Centre. Mrs. Lydia Lobo in her address to the parents highlighted the crucial role they play in their ward’s holistic development. She commended the parents for showing up in large numbers in spite of the inclement weather. This was proof of how invested they were in their child’s welfare. She went on to elucidate on how rampant alcohol and drug abuse has become and how it has spread its tentacles in every strata of society. She highlighted the contributing factors that lure youngsters and eventually lead to addiction. She advised the parents about the deleterious impact of cellphones and gave pointers on how to navigate their children safely across this minefield by establishing clear lines of communication and cherishing the quality time spent with them.

This was followed by the reading of the minutes by the PTA Secretary, Mr. Mathew Antony. The PTA staff representative, Mrs. Venitia Rasquinha, presented the report for the year 2023-24.

The Principal, Sr. Norine D'Souza, in her presidential address, emphasised the need for students to be regular to classes, up-to-date in their studies, and score well in the internal assessments, as it will impact their overall percentage in the final exams. The Treasurer, Mr. Joel Fernandes, read out the financial statement for 2023-24.

Ms. Anjali Rai from the Science stream, Ms. Ashmitha Lora Pereira from the Commerce stream and Ms. Alisha Thimmaiah from the Arts stream, were felicitated for their impressive achievement in the Second PUC board exam 2023-24. The subject teachers of the toppers were also honoured on the occasion by the Chairperson Dr. Sr. Maria Roopa AC, Joint Secretary, St Agnes Institutions; PTA Vice-President, Prof Joselyn Lobo and PTA Joint Secretary, Dr. Divya Damodhar.

Mrs. Hariet Moras compered the meeting ably and guided the proceedings. The PTA Joint Secretary, Dr. Divya Damodar, proposed the vote of thanks; the PTA Vice-President, Prof Joselyn Lobo; the PTA Executive Committee Members, and the faculty were an integral part of the occasion. The programme concluded with the National Anthem.